There are a number of ways to beat each map.
Total annihilation kingdoms units how to#
My suggestions on how to beat a particular map are just that, my suggestions. In hopes that it would direct the player into making a successful strategy for beating a tough mission. Since you can play both games with complete strategic freedom I decided to just write down what I did. It simply started out as a basic walkthrough of how I beat a particular chapter. Being such a fan of the game my only intent here is to help others enjoy it as well. With no guides and not really anywhere to turn for help, I decided I would try to beat the game and create a guide on my own. I became frustrated over the fact that I could possibly not even beat the game. Even some of the tips weren't that informative. The best I could find were a few forums that had player's tips on them. I then found out there was never an 'Official' walkthrough created for IP. I would then search the web looking for some hints or strategies. Like many players I started having trouble on the very second map. I wrote this Walkthrough just for the simple fact that there were none. If you can make it past the early tough chapters then I promise you that you'll start to love IP as much as TA: Kingdoms. You start to understand why one chapter is easy and then the next one is hard. From then on, the designers began to create a good flow to the game. Everything is disjointed until you get past Chapter 8. The problem is the early maps are quite difficult and have no continuity to them. I will say that IP does indeed have a good flow and story to it as well. That excitement was met with constant gnashing of teeth and reloading of saved games. TA: Kingdoms had such a good flow and story that I couldn't wait to find out what happens in IP. Having totally enjoyed TA: Kingdoms I was looking forward to playing IP. The hardest mission on TA: Kingdoms is somewhat easier than the 'hard' maps here.

Total Annihilation: Kingdoms is many times easier than IP. In fact so much so that I almost quit playing it. If you are looking at this guide then I assume you are having trouble playing 'The Iron Plague.' I agree that this game can be frustratingly difficult. Total Annihilation: Kingdoms 'The Iron Plague' - Walkthrough\Faq v1.1 By Greyson Email: Release date: 5\23\03 - Contents -Introduction -New Expansion Units -Gameplay Hints -FAQ -Complete Walkthrough of Chapters 1-25 -Hidden Levels -Credits -Disclaimer - Introduction - First off, I want to agree with you.